Mother angelica pro birth quote
Mother angelica pro birth quote

mother angelica pro birth quote

She has, it should be noted, many fans.Īnyway, the time has now come to talk about Mother Angelica.

mother angelica pro birth quote

But from the volume of mail we received you’d have thought we had published a full-scale, 20 page attack on Mother Angelica. whom I characterized as “con­servative.” The bulk of the article focused on scrappy little F&V, with only about 100 words on Mother. I mentioned that the network often found itself vying for space with Mother Angelica. Last October, in a piece about the ecumenical Faith & Values network.

mother angelica pro birth quote

I run the risk, I know, of getting into trouble if I write anything about Mother Angelica, the founder and guiding spirit of the popular Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN). Click here to find America’s other coverage of EWTN. So that they may have peace in their hearts and home.The following article appeared in the Aug. entrust to your care a life conceived in love. Then the leader may invite all to extend their hands over the parents in blessing.Įspecially when we have need of your consolation. The reader concludes: The Word of the Lord.Īfter a time of silence, all join in the prayers of intercession. The favors of the Lord are not exhausted, Listen to the words of the book of Lamentations: We place ourselves in the hands of God and ask strength, for healing, and for love. (Name) and (Name), as we mourn the death of your child, In the pain of sorrow there is consolation, The leader may use these or similar words to introduce the blessing: The leader begins: Let us praise the Father of mercies, the God of all consolation. A priest, deacon, or lay minister of the parish, or a member of the family may lead this blessing. When a baby dies before birth, the parents may seek the prayers of the Church. I thank You for the life that began for so short a time to enjoy so long an Eternity.

mother angelica pro birth quote

I acknowledge Your sovereign rights over life and death. I am humbled before you, my Lord, for questioning Your wisdom, goodness, and love. I breathed a soul into a seed, made it grow and called it forth. He was created for My joy and his parents’ merits. I create for My Kingdom and each creature fills a place in that Kingdom that could not be filled by another. He laughs with a special joy that only the innocent possess. He knows secrets of heaven unknown to men on earth. He was created and lived a short time so the image of his parents imprinted on his face may stand before Me as their personal intercessor. Instead of the beauty that passes he sees everlasting Beauty- he sees My face. Instead of the wind he hears the sound of angels singing before My throne. “Why, My child- do you ask ‘why’? Well, I will tell you why. Why, my Lord- dare I ask why? It will not hear the whisper of the wind or see the beauty of its parents’ face- it will not see the beauty of Your creation or the flame of a sunrise.

Mother angelica pro birth quote